International Composition Competition Sofia 2019
(Compositions for string quartet and a string orchestra)
The Sofia International Composition Competition is organized by Sofia Municipality and Krasno Selo Cultural Center in partnership with the Sofia Soloists Chamber Ensemble.
Participation regulations:
1. The Competition is open to participants of all countries, born after 1974.
2. The presented works have to be composed for string quartet and a string orchestra of 12 performers (3-3-3-2-1).
3. Each competitor may present one composition or series of works with duration no less than 10 and no more than 15 minutes. The score is to be a computer printout or a clear manuscript.
4. The composition should not be previously performed in public, published or recorded in studio.
5. All competitors must send, until September the 30th 2019 (certified by a post office stamp), the following materials in a compact package:
а/ a sealed envelope containing 2 copies of the composition score;
b/ a sealed non transparent envelope, containing the participant’s name, address, phone number, e-mail and a short artistic biography;
c/ a sealed envelope, containing the participant’s declaration accepting all terms of the Competition and stating that his composition has not been previously performed, published or recorded in studio.
6. The Competition is anonymous, ensured by a five figure random number on the right corner of each score’s title page (instead of the author’s name). The same number will be marked on the rest of the envelopes with the competitor’s information.
7. No other marks, breaking the anonymity, are allowed on the envelopes and the scores (besides the five figures number). Any other marking will be considered as a reason for technical disqualification of the candidates.
8. The entries should be sent to:
41, Tsar Boris III blvd
1612 Sofia, Bulgaria
Krasno Selo Cultural Center
“Sofia 2019” Competition
fax + 359 2 9516273
The necessary documents are:
- Artistic biography and a photo;
- Application;
- Declaration - standard pattern
9. By applying for the Competition each candidate accepts the regulations of this Statute.
10. The submitted scores will not be returned.
The Jury
1. An international jury of outstanding composers, conductors and musicians will evaluate the works.
2. The jury, consisting of one president and four members, will be appointed by the Sofia City Mayor.
3. The works evaluation deadline is November 11th, 2019.
4. The jury is entitled not to award a prize, or to divide the prizes.
5. The decisions of the jury are final and are not to be reviewed.
The Prizes
The following prizes are provided:
Іst Prize - 3 000 leva/1500 euro
ІІnd Prize - 2 000 leva/1000 euro
ІІІrd Prize - 1 000 leva/500euro
A Prize awarded by the Sofia Soloists Chamber Ensemble – 1000 leva /500 euro
1. The Prizes should be officially declared and delivered in 2019/2020 season. During the ceremony the Sofia Soloists Chamber Ensemble will perform the awarded compositions.
2. The organizers of the Competition should contract the recording and the broadcasting of the concert, or part of it. They reserve the rights to photograph, to film, record and distribute the performances without copyrights or compensatory payments to the authors and the performers.
3. The organizers provide free hotel accommodation in Sofia for the winners, for three days.
4. The competitors will travel at their own expense.
The organizers are entitled to change the regulations - in that case they have to inform the competitors, no later than 30 days, asking for their consent to participate in the competition in compliance with the new conditions, with a resolution of the Sofia City Council.
Sofia International Composition Competition