Another 22 new natural gas fueled buses will serve four lines of public transport

Another 22 new natural gas fueled buses will serve four lines of public transport. As of today, they are running on bus line No. 604 and from mid-May, on bus lines 113, 75 and 384. By the end of June we will also launch 60 articulated new gas fueled buses. This said the Mayor of Sofia, Yordanka Fandakova at the launch of the new vehicles.

According to Mayor Fandakova: "For a few years we have made the most extensive modernization of urban transport - 90% of the line buses are new, with the highest environmental standard EURO6. This has reduced 2.5 times the harmful emissions from public transport. The first 20 zero-emission electric busses were delivered and we expect 15 more.“

The 3-year program for increasing the salaries of urban transport drivers, which was proposed by the President of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CITUB) and supported by the Labour Confederation “Podkrepa”, is to be submitted to the municipal council.