CELESTIAL DOG Painting and terracotta

CELESTIAL DOG Painting and terracotta
Zahari Kamenov
27 April 2018 - 27 May 2018

The exhibition has been structured as a study of the universal concept of roots, genetic memory, and the primal impulse to describe the world using the magic universality of the sign.

Artworks inspired by Neolithic art use layers of modernity combining into a single whole abstract imagery with recognizable details. Touching upon the symbolic richness and geometry of prehistoric means of expression, these artworks seek to represent a consolidated image of time and the human presence sealed in it.

Through the rich language of the paintings the artist offers an effortless translation of archaic symbols into relevant artistic, aesthetic, and philosophical interpretations.

The tailor-made exhibition created by the artist to fit the space of the Sofia City Art Gallery features 30 paintings. They are complemented by three cycles of terracotta works creating the sensation of authenticity and primal vitality.

An exhibition catalogue is available.
