146 years from the death of Vasil Levski
146 years from the death of Vasil Levski
On February 19, 2019, 146 years have elapsed since the death of the Apostle of Bulgarian Freedom Vasil Levski.
The Sofia Municipality, the Sofiyska Mitropoliya and the Fondatsiya Vasil Levski will mark the anniversary with official events.
19 February 2019 (Tuesday):
- 17:00 h - in the church "Hagia Sofia" - Archdiocese Panichyda in Memory of the Deacon;
- 17:30 h - Lithuanian procession from the Hagia Sophia to the monument of the Apostle;
- 18:00 h - Commemorative ceremony-worship - in memory of Yerodiakon Ignatius - Vasil Levski.