Online payments in 8 months of 2017 – equal to all the online payments, made in 2016

In the first 8 months of 2017 the budget of Sofia received through e-payments as much revenues from local taxes and fees, as in the entire previous year – over BGN 4,22 million. The residents of Sofia are getting used to relying on the option for online payment on the website of the Capital Municipality

The total number of online financial operations to the benefit of Sofia’s budget amounted to almost half a million.

Every resident of Sofia can check his or her municipal liabilities and pay them online on Sofia Municipality‘s website.

The income from cash payments of local taxes and fees this year exceed BGN 96,3 million, as the operations performed were over 1 044 922. This includes payments on the POS terminals at all the 22 district departments of the Municipal Revenues Directorate.

The separate day nurseries and the major kindergartens in Sofia are also equipped with POS terminals, so that parents can pay cash-free the fees for their children. Negotiations are currently under way for the introduction of online payments of the fees for separate day nurseries.

Sofia’s electronic portal now provides automatic reports on the presence or absence of liabilities, payable to the Sofia Municipality.