George Kremlis: The MBT of Sofia is the second most important plant in the EU in the field of ecology

The Head of Cohesion Policy and Environmental Impacts Unit in GD Environment at the European Commission, George Kremlis, examined the operation of the Mechanical and Biological Treatment Plant  for Sofia's municipal waste together with the Mayor of Sofia, Yordanka Fandakova and the Minister of Environment and Water, Neno Dimov. The Mechanical and Biological Treatment Plant for the solid waste of Sofia with RDF fuel production was built in 2015 under OP Environment as part of the project "Development of an Integrated System of Municipal Waste Treatment Facilities of Sofia Municipality".

Mayor Yordanka Fandakova announced that for about two years since the plant was put into operation, at the plant have been processed about 600 000 tons of mixed household waste. Only since the beginning of this year, we have processed over 252 000 tons of waste. `So far, we have achieved a reduction in landfill waste by more than 80 percent`, said Mayor Fandakova. Our goal is to build faster the next phase - the third phase, during which we plan to build a RDF fuel utilization plant at the site of DHC - Sofia. RDF fuel is expected to produce heat for 30 000 to 40 000 households and electricity for 20 000 to 30 000 households.

George Kremlis reminded that two years ago he was here for the opening of the plant, which he described as the second most important operating plant in the EU in the field of ecology. This facility has a huge potential that can be further developed and upgraded. In his words, it is important to build the installation for utilization of RDF fuel by the District Heating Company. `We hope that in the next programming period of Operational Program Environment, there will be "Sofia - 4" - a project for extension of the heat transmission network of "Toplofikatsia"`, said Kremlis. 

Minister Neno Dimov noted that this is one of the two most modern waste treatment facilities in Europe. He pointed out that they had very good communication with the municipality and hoped by the end of the year to complete the documentation regarding the third phase. `We will do our best to start the construction of the RDF fuel burning plant as quickly as possible, because it will help to reduce the pollution with fine particles`, said Minister Dimov.

Photographer: Geo Kalev