Fandakova: We are repairing over 80 school and kindergarten buildings


The overhaul with energy efficiency measures of 86th primary school in Vladaya will be completed by the beginning of the school year. “Education is a main priority and taking care of children is of prime importance”, said the Mayor of Sofia Municipality Yordanka Fandakova during the inspection of the repairs of the building of 86th primary school “St. Kliment Ohridski”, where 120 children study. The district mayor Teodor Petkov was also present at the inspection.

The school building is being renovated with roof insulation and energy efficiency measures. “We have succeeded in securing funds from the National Trust Ecofund (NTEF). This year we’re investing over 90 million leva from various sources – the municipal budget, Operational programme “Regions in Growth” and the National Trust Ecofund – into repairs of over 80 school and kindergarten buildings”, said Mayor Fandakova.

We have invested over 10.5 million leva in the “Vitosha” district during the past ten years into schools and kindergartens. This year the funds we’re investing into the “Vitosha” district amount to more than 6.2 million leva. Apart from the 86th school, what’s forthcoming in Vladaya is the enlargement of the kindergarten with 3 new groups, we’re also enlarging the kindergarten in the residential districts of “Pavlovo” and “Knyazhevo”. In the residential discrict of “Simeonovo” we’re enlarging the 64th school.

The children of 86th school are studying in one shift and after the overhaul it is expected to be even more inviting. The school has never seen repairs since its establishment. Part of the windows have been renovated 20 years ago.