Deputy Mayor of Sofia, Irina Savina: We start construction and repair works in 48 schools and kindergartens

This year, we are opening three new kindergartens on the territory of Sofia Municipality, announced Mrs. Savina

"We start construction and repair works in 48 buildings of schools and kindergartens on the territory of Sofia Municipality. The activities in 26 of these buildings - 16 schools and 10 kindergartens will be performed with European funding under the Operational Program Regions in Growth 2014-2020. The repair works at these sites will start after July 5th this year. The remaining 22 buildings are part of the summer refurbishments we make every year", said the deputy mayor of Sofia Municipality in charge for investment and construction, Irina Savina at a press conference today.

The 26 buildings included in the project "Construction, overhaul and reconstruction of schools and kindergartens on the territory of Sofia Municipality" are located in five metropolitan districts: Nadezhda, Krasna Polyana, Vrabnitsa, Ilinden and Sredets. The project value is BGN 63.6 million, of which BGN 58 million is the grant and the contribution of Sofia Municipality is BGN 5.6 million", said Mrs. Savina.

The repair works that will be carried out in the 26 buildings include energy efficiency measures, repairs in premises, sanitary facilities, courtyards of buildings, provision of publicly accessible environment, installation of security alarm systems and fire alarm systems. "Renewable energy sources will be installed in five kindergartens and one school covered by the project", Mrs. Savina added.

It became clear at the press conference that the construction and repair works under the project will be carried out during the school year and will continue between 115 and 460 calendar days. For 17 of the sites there are already appointed contractors, for another 8, the bids will be opened today, and for one site – Kindergarten  No. 51 “Shturche” in Ilinden district, a decision of the Supreme Administrative Court is expected due to appeal of the procedure.

"During the summer months, with BGN 2 million will be repaired and 13 kindergartens and 9 schools in the territory of 15 metropolitan districts. Last Friday, the funds were voted at a meeting of the Management Board of the Specialized Municipal Privatization Fund. The repair works in these 22 buildings will start after the 20th of July and will end by the beginning of the school year”, "said Deputy Mayor Irina Savina. Construction and repair works include repair and thermal insulation of roofs, structural reinforcements and energy efficiency measures.

"This year we will open 3 new kindergartens for 400 children in the districts Mladost, Vitosha and Krasno Selo. At the same time, we are starting to build and reconstruct another 9 kindergartens, which will allow admitting more than 900 children, when we put them into operation in 2019 and 2020”, said Mrs. Savina.

Lists of the buildings included in the project under OPRR and of the schools and kindergartens, part of the summer renovations, as well as schedules of the construction and repair works are published on the website of Sofia Municipality, in Investment and Construction Department.