Deputy Mayor Evgeni Krusev: “We close car parks to make space for pedestrians.”

“Vitosha” Bul., in the section between "Alabin" Str. and "Al. Stamboliyski" Blvd. closes for cars.

The parking spaces will not occupy the sidewalks and the latter will remain free only for the pedestrians”, announced Deputy Mayor of Sofia Municipality responsible for Transport and Transport Communications, Evgeni Krusev. The first change is already in progress on "Stamboliiski" Blvd., where the parking spaces are drawn parallel to the roadway and not as before at an angle of 45 degrees. This will actually reduce their number by about 10. On “Saborna” Str., cars will stop only on the one side and only on the roadway, and not like until now, on a part of the sidewalk. The change will take place gradually, but the idea is, over time this area to become completely free of cars.
The Deputy Mayor presented the projects for traffic change in the centre of Sofia. From March 3, 2018 “Vitosha” Blvd., in the section between "Alabin" Str. and "Al. Stamboliyski" Blvd. is closed for cars. Trams will continue to run on their current routes.

The car traffic direction will change along three streets – “Pozitano”, “Lavelle” and “Knyaz Boris the First” (see map).

“A complete reconstruction of the "Sveta Nedelya" square is under way”, said Krusev. He highlighted that a simulation was made as to how the closure of “Vitosha” Blvd. will affect the overall traffic. According to the experts’ analysis, problems in the area are not expected. The number of parking spaces, which will be closed in this area, is 11. The parking scheme around “Narodno Sabranie“ square will change. “We will try to put things straight there”, said Krusev. There will be more landscaping and the number of parking spaces will be reduced by 14.