Back Recent Results of NewGenerationSkills Project

Addressing and achieving the current young generation is one of the biggest societal challenges. The changing social and political circumstances require immediate innovative solutions. An important factor is that young people around the world are proactive drivers of social processes and promoters of change. How can young people achieve this? By boosting entrepreneurship and knowledge, creative brainstorming and the realization of their ideas, developing their skills and using social innovation tools. In the NewGenerationSkills (NGS) project, we are working to help young people to do and achieve these. In order to accomplish these, we connect the representatives of local municipalities, educational and business institutions with the 15 to 29-year-olds of the given area.

In this newsletter, we show what the program partners have done to ensure that the goals of the NGS - implementing social innovation, increasing entrepreneurship and achieving better economic results in the most effective way.

2nd Newsletter of the NewGenerationSkills Project

Events in Sofia