Back Over 100 000 bulbs in the flower bed figures in Sofia for the Presidency of the Council of the EU

More than 100,000 flower bulbs, over 5,000 evergreen shrubs and 30 Japanese Flowering Cherries are some of the four thematic flower bed figures dedicated to the Presidency of the Council of the EU. The figures are located in key locations in the capital, and are expected to blossom even in the early spring.
A flower figure of half a decare with the logo of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU will welcome the guests from the airport. About 2,800 evergreen and deciduous shrubs (thuya, juniper, barberry, Ligistrum, common laurel, Spiraea, hibiscus) and over 7,000 flowers (violets, Santolina) have been planted to produce it.
The 30 Japanese Flowering Cherries have been planted near the cloverleaf interchange on Bulgaria Blvd. and the Ring Road. In addition, 86,000 tulip bulbs have been planted to form multi-coloured figures in the lawns.
Completely new flower figures have been designed and planted around the National Palace of Culture, in the grass area on the corner of Evlogi and Hristo Georgievi Blvd. and Fridtjof Nansen Blvd. The arrangement required a selection of 450 evergreen shrubs and over 12 000 flowers – violets and tulips.
Earlier in the autumn the first bar of the “Ode to Joy” was completed, located in the garden opposite the Druzhba Park. The landscaping involved 2,500 evergreen shrubs (juniper, barberry, honeysuckle, common laurel) and 550 deciduous shrubs (Spiraea). Apart from this, a flower mosaic of multi-coloured tulips and Muscari was also created with the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Bulgaria at the southern side of the National Palace of Culture. The total area of the figure is 140 square meters and over 37,000 bulbs have been planted for it.