Mayor Yordanka Fandakova and Deputy Minister Denitsa Nikolova signed a contract for the reconstruction of a building for a crisis center in Sofia

Mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova and Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works and Head of OPRD Managing Authority Denitsa Nikolova signed a contract for reconstruction of the "Faith, Hope and Love" Crisis Center in Sofia.

The event was attended also by Albena Atanasova, Deputy Mayor of Sofia for Social Activities.

The project envisages reconstruction of the building and implementation of energy efficiency measures. There will be a Crisis Center, with priority for children, victims of violence and Center for street children.

The project is implemented under the Project "Renovation and construction of social facilities on the territory of Sofia Municipality" - Stage I, financed under the MRDPW Operational Program "Regions for Growth" 2014-2020. The total value is BGN 754 thousand, of which approximately BGN 583 thousand is non-reimbursable European funding, granted under the program.

The project will be implemented for a period of 24 months.

From the care of society of the most vulnerable groups we can judge about its responsibility and level of development. The Operational Program "Regions for Growth" 2014-2020, allows for support of a range of social services aimed at the most vulnerable groups - street children, victims of domestic violence and homeless. This is what the Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works and Head of OPRD Managing Authority Denitsa Nikolova commented after the signing of the contract. She also said that the Crisis Center provides support for children victims of domestic violence and offers supportive services and preventative measures. Nikolova said that projects for building social centers are of key importance. "They have the greatest focus and measurability on the part of the European Commission because social integration is a serious focus of development and cohesion policies," said the Deputy Minister.

Sofia Municipality has stable priorities in social activities and currently operates a total of 90 social services for children and adults. This said the mayor of Sofia, Yordanka Fandakova at the signing of the contract.

With the projects that we have developed and implement, we improve and develop social services, pointed out Yordanka Fandakova. 

In her words, with projects we are implementing, we are going to provide 7 new social services for children with disabilities and their families and 9 services for the elderly, as well as a new pilot service for adults with disabilities as a substitute care and Day Care Center for adults with disabilities.