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12 World Theatre in Sofia

Theatre  and  dance companies from Germany, France, the Czech Republic,   Italy,   and   Slovenia   will   perform   at  the  National  Palace  of  Culture  and  the  National  Theatre.  Workshops  with  audiences  and   art   students,   screenings   and   critical   debates are also going to take place.

The   event   is   part   of   the   Cultural   Events   Calendar of Sofia Municipality for 2018.

June  4,  7  pm  –  National  Palace  of  Culture;  Azaryan  Theatre,  Hakanai, Adrien M & Claire B – Lyon, France.
June   8,   7   pm   National   Palace   of   Culture, Azaryan Theatre, Circeo, The Théâtre National de   Chaillot   –Paris,   France;   Le   Supplici   –   Bologna, Italy; Kinkaleri – Bologna, Italy.
June   18-19,   7   pm   –   Ivan   Vazov   National   Theatre,   Macht   und   Widerstand,   Theatre  Hannover, Germany.